I am still working away at 2017 Christmas knitting.......awful isn't it. But things (life) just got in the way this year. And the late promised knitting is coming along now.......my GrandDaughter isn't too upset that she had to wait.....so all is well.
One of the things that has gotten in the way is a Charity that has found it's way into my heart. Knitted Knockers! Not only is it a worthy group.......but they are so much fun to explain when someone sees you knitting and asks "What are you working on?" Oh the expressions I receive when I say "Boobs!"
I was approached by a nurse while sitting in the waiting area last year when we were there for an appointment for Richard's lungs. The sweet lady asked if I knitted......well I was working on a baby blanket at the time. Then she asked if I had heard of Knitted Knockers? I had but had never worked with them .......I asked "Why, are you in need?"
She explained to me how some of the ladies there were either unable to have reconstructive surgery because of cost or medical issues and they had found this group on the internet that offers a set to those that ask at no cost. But when asking for someone it usually took 1-2 weeks . I asked what sizes they needed. And so it began.......
From there I have met several ladies that were 'in need' as well and I have been knitting for them when either requested or while sitting in the numerous waiting areas that I seem to be in lately. (One of the things you find yourself doing in retirement.....who knew!) I have a small bag that I constantly have in my handbag now.....I knit in waiting areas......airports......Thanksgiving parties........and well....just about anywhere. This is my 'carry around' project.......easy pattern to work up and they are always accepted with smiles.
Meantime I still am working for the family.........that sounds bad doesn't it? But oh the patterns I get to try! I put a stop to everything to work up a hat for Shelley's bo Sanford......
Richard was a bit concerned with all the dangly bits while working on it......but I told him......"They do disappear".
Now back to Journey's present......then a little something for Clint......a request....but none the less something that will have a bit of me knitted in.......
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